Saturday, April 13, 2013

Maybe, Crazy, Good?

I have this itty bitty inkling
And it’s creeping and it’s crawling
And it’s sneaking and it’s calling
This little quiet suspicion
And some days I pay attention
And some days I have no recollection
What I hear whispered through my ear
It makes me laugh, it makes me cry
It makes me scream and wonder why
The audacious thought in my head
I run from it, I run to it
I come unglued by it
That maybe
Somehow maybe
He is good.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dodging Bullets

It’s like running from landmine to landmine
Dodging thoughts like bullets
Saving just enough to make it to a safe spot
Sweat dripping, screaming, cursing

Then I’m falling to the floor
Sinking further
Reach out, take hold of something I can’t see
Close my eyes
Hope I’ll stay afloat

I feel my labored steps
Heavy, Hesitant, terrified
It’s more like a crawl
Out into the minefield
Ten to one says He leaves me

Here’s to that one...